"Call the baddest warriors in town: the Dark0Hunters. What are the Dark-Hunters? Man, have you been living under a rock not to know this one....
"They're mad, bad, and immortal. Ancient warriors with attitudes who fight rough, and play hard. They are the scary things that go bump in the night. And they love every minute of it.
"It's just another night on the prowl for vampires for Kyrian Thrace when he meets the most frightening thing imaginable. An accountant. But Amanda Devereaux is much more than she seems. Hunted by one of the deadliest of vampires, Amanda is the key to our survival. If she goes down, so does he, and--no offense--he doesn't want to die (hence the whole immortality thing0. And he doesn't want humanity dead either, which is a good thing for us since he and Amanda are all that stands between us and oblivion.
"Let's hope they win."
YES! I've been waiting for months for this book to come out and it finally showed up on my doorstep this morning! I would really love to know what kept getting the release date pushed back so many times. However, reading it, I think I might just know what took so long: This volume only has HALF of Kyrian's story! It literally cuts off half way through the first Dark-Hunter book! I couldn't believe it! Now it was more than likely intentional, but the only real reason I can come up with for there being so many delays in this book's publishing (and for the fact that there is only really half a story...) is that there was something wrong with the art. It's a pretty integral part of a manga after all..... I don't know if it is true, but it's a possibility.
Anyhow, I must give out some serious props because this manga was awesome. The art--for the most part--was impressive. As a car buff, I liked the look of Kyrian's Lambo (yeah...I know I'm a dork) and as someone who's not an expert on the art of manga, I will say that I was happy with it. A bit of the art looked awkard, but I LOVED being able to put "faces" to the characters. I thought that was really awesome.
Not to mention that I could totally tell that Sherrilyn Kenyon worked on the writing. There were some of the best lines from the book in there and that made it seem so much more like an actual Dark-Hunter novel than just a spoof (though I really would have liked to have seen the "I see Dead People" shirt comment with Talon...I just about wet my pants laughing at that one when I read it in Night Pleasures).
*Heaves a deep sigh* Now, I must wait for the next installment...who REALLY knows when that will be.....
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