“As for Gwendolyn, she never doubted that the so-called Dragon was a fraud. She knew there was a perfectly good explanation for the mysterious lights seen flickering in the crumbling castle and the unsettling sound of bagpipes drifting through the glens. But as she waited for whoever—or whatever—to claim his prize, she could not help trembling as a furious storm lashed about her…and she saw what appeared to be dark wings and a stream of silver smoke emerge from the shadows.
“Rumor had it that the Dragon could take the form of a man, and so he did with Gwendolyn—a man who would not show her his face. He carried her into his lair and made her his prisoner, his pampered pet. And while she didn’t expect to be eaten by the fire-breathing Dragon of Weyrcraig, neither did she expect to be warmed by his sensuous caresses or devoured by his passionate kisses.
“The Dragon had demanded gold and the fools had given him the golden-haired maiden. She was the very last thing he expected—and now there was no way he could let her go. She could never know that he was no monster but a flesh-and-blood man who had just laid eyes on the one woman who could slay him. Still, this supremely handsome man of devastating virility was more dangerous than any dragon. He would take it upon himself to enchant the practical Gwendolyn as she had enchanted him. He would weave a spell of sensuous magic around her that would defy all her commonsense notions and tempt her to believe in something even more unlikely than dragons and more powerful than the past that threatened them both—true love.”
I finished this book at three this morning because I couldn’t put it down. The writing was ABSOLUTELY charming and I was so excited to be reading Teresa Medeiros once again. This book is part of a “Fairy Tale Series” in which her book Charming the Prince is the first. The books are not connected, but they ring of bits and pieces of well-known fairy tales.
The author uses beautiful writing, compelling dialogue, touching characters, and touching situations to draw in her readers and hold them. She has a style about her that just makes me want to read more as soon as possible! I was NOT disappointed at all with this book and, in fact, I cannot wait to read the last book in this series. I am very happy to have found Medeiros and will definitely read more of her work!
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