“Since Morgan has always wanted anything everyone else says she can't have, Ethan is perfect for her. But upon arriving at Morgan's Romney Marsh home where Ethan wants to ask for her hand — he's already had her body — she realizes her suitor may have an ulterior motive for making her his wife. And a deceived debutante is a dangerous debutante ... Lord Aylesford, beware!”
This book took me a while to read (I actually finished this a few days ago) because I am so hesitant to continue reading Kasey Michaels. As a good friend of mine pointed out; Kasey Michaels’s writing sometimes seems to be forced. She uses long, run-on sentences that could be broken up into nearly three separate ones.
I will admit, however, that this book read much better than the first in this series. The beginning—like the first one—grabbed me and made me want to read more. It didn’t drag on nearly as bad as the other one and I enjoyed it more. I found myself smiling and pleasantly happy with the characters. I must say…though I’m not entirely proud of it…that the “love” scenes were not some of the best I have read. There is all of this build-up and then…wow…not as good as the last book… Of course, being as OCD as I am, I HAVE to finish the series and I have already started the next book in this series.
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