“A shipload of women—theirs for the taking! Pirate captain Gideon Horn couldn’t be more delighted. His men are tired of wandering the high seas and want to settle down with wives on the uncharted island paradise they’re discovered. And the women are bound to be grateful to be rescued from the life of drudgery awaiting them in New South Wales…Lord, he’s so clever!
“A Splendid Passion
“Married? To pirates? Sara Willis couldn’t be more appalled. First she demands proper courting—at least a month. The darkly handsome pirate lord gives them two weeks. Then Sara insists the men vacate their huts for the women—Gideon demands her kisses in return. As the demands heat up, so do their passions—and soon Sara can’t remember just why she’d fighting the devilishly seductive captain so hard…”
This was the first book by Sabrina Jefferies that I’ve read and I really loved it!!! Her characters were fun and fascinating to follow. The plot was so captivating that I just COULD NOT put the book down! I devoured it!
The storyline flowed so well that I just didn’t want it to stop. It was creative, witty, and funny. I found myself laughing and smiling and feeling for the characters. This book genuinely made me happy. Sara had so much fire, but it wasn’t to the point of being obnoxious; while Gideon was a powerful, masculine character with secrets of his own.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I am genuinely looking forward to read more of Jefferies’ works in the future!!!
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