“The eldest son of the Earl of Standish and heir to his late father’s holdings, Alexander Devize is summoned home to his duties in England. Waiting for him, he believes, is Diana Sherwood, the irrepressible beauty with whom he shared an unforgettable night of passion, a young woman he fully intends to marry. But Diana, lovelier and more headstrong than ever, has other intentions.
“A soldier’s daughter, Diana refuses to suffer the harsh world of being a soldier’s wife and plans instead her coming out in London, ignoring the memories of wild and reckless Alex. Convinced she’d found the proper, stable gentleman in Robert Welbourne, she pursues her course, unaware of a treachery building around her—or of the unwavering devotion of a soldier willing to fight for all he’s worth in a battle he must not lose.”
Took me long enough, but I finally finished this book by Joan Wolf. I am not really sure why it took me so long… The only explanation I can offer is the fact that the book seemed to slow down a little.
This is the first book I read by Joan Wolf, so—as usual—it takes me a bit to get used to an author that is so different from what I usually read. Her writing wasn’t bad; it was just a little bit different. I think part of what made it take so long for me to read was the fact that I wasn’t really seeing as much emotional expression as in other authors’ books. I think the only real way to describe this book is a “love story” and not really a “romance novel”. It wasn’t a bad book, but not entirely my cup of tea. The characters were sweet and I really liked the plot as well.
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