Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Taming of the Shrew: William Shakespeare

I was so excited to read this play! I knew a little bit about the storyline and it made me all the more thrilled that we were going to read it in class.

Kate was awesome! She reminded me of a slightly more intense version of Beatrice from MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING (so, if you like strong female roles, check out that comedy as well). Patruccio was such a macho-man, full-of-himself type of guy that you really WANTED not to like him...however, despite that, I DID end up enjoying him! He was annoyingly charming and smart. Though he only wanted Kate because of her money, I like to think that he felt a little something toward her by the end of the play. The same goes for Kate. I believe that--much like myself--she ended up liking Patruccio in spite of what she wanted herself to feel. Part of this is probably from the fact that it's difficult to be in such a situation as they were in and not have some sort of shift in emotions.

Though a lot of people criticize Kate in the end for giving up on herself, I think it's not as bad as they make it. I don't much care for her language in her final speech, but it's a turning point for her character that I can understand--especially when one takes into account the period in which it was written.

We ran out of time for the year in my Shakespeare class, so we didn't get to watch any of the movies that were made from this play (no...I haven't seen 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU...I've seen bits and parts, but I want to be able to sit down and watch the whole thing to give it justice). I highly recommend this brilliant work by Shakespeare! It was an awesome, entertaining read if you take the time to learn all of the characters and appreciate their personalities.

1 comment:

AlwaysEloquent said...

I finally watched 10 Things I Hate About You last night and I LOVED it! I was able to admit to myself that I'd put off watching it for so long because I really, really enjoy Heath Ledger's movies and (though I know this sounds super silly) there are only a limited number of his films left. I feel like if I burn through all of them, I'll be really upset because there will be nothing more to look forward to.

Anyway, the film was fantastic. The little similarities between the Shakespearean work and the film were fantastic. I laughed a lot and thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Sadly, my cousin is a little bit young, or I would make the next Shakespearean work I teach her be Taming of the Shrew and we'd watch his movie. The acting was hilarious and the high school that it was filmed at was breathtaking! It makes me want to move to Seattle just so my kids can go to school there. I really recommend this movie. Though it's a slightly loose adaptation, it is fantastic nonetheless.