"When Brianne Quinlan woke up after the accident, she thought she was losing her mind. Gone were the last things she remembered: Her car, the highway, and the tall buildings that lined the road. Instead, she found herself in a meadow surrounded by trees and rolling lawns. And when she lifted her head her eyes met the magnetic blue gaze of the most remarkably handsome man she'd ever seen. As he effortlessly lifted her onto his horse, Brianne was unable to even utter a protest.
"On a routine ride to survey his plantation, Ryan Barrington could not believe what he saw. Lying beneath a tree was a beautiful woman, dressed in bizarre clothing, her long copper-colored hair surrounding her like a veil. He had never seen such a fetching apparition, and he was sure that she had been sent by a friend to entice him. He thought to send her on her way, but when he lifted her into his arms Ryan knew he was lost. He caressed her creamy flesh and kissed her ripe lips feeling a rush of desire that could not be denied. He vowed to find out her true identity and make her his own with TENDER PASSION."
I've had this book for a while and finally picked it up when I decided that it was time to try a new author. I was looking forward to seeing how this author handled the whole time travel conundrum and (I won't wreck it for you, but) I think she did it very nicely. She tied the whole story together well and it was much better than some other books of this type that I've read. The ending was great!!!
Ryan was a well-written character. I liked his spark and drive. Though many male leads in romance novels are perfect and strong (which Ryan was...I almost wanted him to have a flaw...), Ryan didn't get boring for me. I do, however, think I would have liked to have seen him have more passion. I won't go into depth, but you'll see what I mean when you read it. Brianne (it took me a while, but about two-thirds into the book, I got confirmation that her name is, in fact, pronounced "Bree-ann" instead of an odd form of "Brianna". I'm not sure what made me think this, but I did. Anyway...) Brianne was a good female lead as well. I didn't much care for her in the beginning. She seemed pretty flat. However, I forced myself to give her and this story a chance and I ended up liking her much more. I suggest you do the same.
As I just mentioned, this book starts off slow. It's set in the latter part of the 1980's, so it's naturally outdated. Though this can't be helped (and the 80's were before my time); even I can tell that the author had a habit of simply picking out popular or expensive things to portray a certain lifestyle. There wasn't much heart put into it. It was as if she sat down and made a list of expensive clothing brands, cars, etc. and just gave them all to Brianne without much personal thought. This annoyed me a little bit and helped make the first ten or so chapters drag on. I will fully admit that I almost put this book down...but I didn't and I am glad! Many things made me smile and I ended up liking this author.
Some of the supporting actors were well-written as well. However, I think I would have liked to have seen more of the "villains". ***SPOILER: Duville was interesting and I REALLY wanted more from him. He was interesting and dark and really could have made a nasty contrast to Ryan had the story continued on for a few more chapters. I also feel like Caroline gave in too easily. Yes, the author explained well why this was, but it still felt a little hollow to me. Overall, I kind of get the sense that we're missing a chunk of the plot. There was no grand fruition of the evil plans Duville had for Brianne. I hate to say it, but I almost WANTED a kidnapping to occur!***
Anyway, though I feel strongly about my little rant, that didn't ruin the story for me. I still enjoyed it and found myself especially tearing up while reading the epilogue. I really like the twists at the end and--when you think about them--you'll appreciate them for what they are (if that makes any sense...probably not...)
And so, I recommend this book. I enjoyed it once I got through the slightly slow beginning. This is the first in this series and I look forward to reading more.